Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Justin Bieber's sneakers enshrined in Toronto museum fetches $5500

A wave of Bieber Fever swept through Toronto on Monday as dozens of youngsters poured into the Bata Shoe Museum to see the pop singer's shoes enshrined.

Justin Bieber fans ranging in age from about five to 15 shrieked when the museum curator unveiled a glass case containing a pair of purple sneakers.

The shoes have been worn on stage by the 17-year-old heartthrob from Stratford, Ont.

The well-worn Supra Skytops join the museum's collection of celebrity footwear, which includes shoes worn by John Lennon, Terry Fox and Marilyn Monroe.

It's the second straight week Bieber's shoes have been in the news. Last week, his former Stratford high school auctioned off one of his Nike sneakers on eBay. School officials thought they had sold the shoe for $5,500 only to learn the winning bidder forgot to ask her mom if it was OK to make the purchase.

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